What Should You Do If Your Wages Are Being Garnished In Georgia?
We understand wage garnishment causes serious hardship and
make it impossible to get back on top financially. If you are currently being
subjected to wage garnishment, bankruptcy could be a solution. Here are a few
tips to help you stop wage garnishment.
When can your wages be garnished?
A creditor has to successfully sue you in court before they
can obtain a wage garnishment against you. When that occurs, your creditor must
then notify the sheriff’s office where you live and provide official paperwork
proving the ruling against you. The sheriff’s office will then contact your
employer, who must garnish your wages.
Will I be told in advance that my wages are going to be
In most cases you will know a wage garnishment is going to
happen either by attending the hearing about your debt or by receiving a letter
that a creditor has won a judgment against you. If you miss notification by the
court you may told by your employer.
What can I do if my wages are garnished?
Your creditor will continue garnishments until your debt is
repaid if you don’t take action. One effective way to immediately stop wage garnishments is to file bankruptcy. When you file for bankruptcy, you get an
automatic stay, which stops all collections, including garnishments. If the
debt is charged off or otherwise addressed during bankruptcy, the garnishment
cannot be restarted, even when the bankruptcy ends.
At King & King bankruptcy attorneys we have been helping people in the state
of Georgia stop wage garnishment for over 40 years. Call us today for a free
consultation at 404-524-6400. We can help you get the fresh start you deserve.