Monday, October 21, 2024

Can You Stop Auto Repossession In Georgia?

If you have fallen behind on car payments, repossession can be right around the corner. Living without transportation can be challenging for you and your family. Filing bankruptcy can stop repossession. King & King can help.

Bankruptcy law in 2024 says that in both a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, an “automatic stay” goes into effect as soon as you file. The “automatic stay” prevents creditors from continuing to pursue collection efforts against you while you are in your bankruptcy, including repossession.

It is possible to keep your car when you file bankruptcy. The key is to act fast and speak with a qualified bankruptcy attorney, such as King & King, at the first sign of financial trouble. The sooner you get a case number, the sooner collection calls and repossessions are put to a stop. We have the background you need to get a fresh financial start, and can help you organize your debts in a way that fits your budget. Call us today for a free consultation at 404-524-6400.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Should I File For Bankruptcy?

At King & King in Atlanta, we understand that deciding to file for bankruptcy in 2024 is a very important decision to make. We are here to help. Scheduling a consultation with a bankruptcy attorney who can analyze your specific facts and go over your options is a great first step. If you are ready for a free consultation, call us at 404-524-6400 for help today.



 Here a few of the things to review when deciding to file for bankruptcy.

 What Does Your Debt Problem Look Like?

• Out of control credit card debit

• Medical Debt

• Repossession

• Foreclosure


What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Debt?

• Your creditors can put liens against your assets

• Seize your bank accounts

• Garnish your wages

• Foreclosure

• Repossession


What Happens If You File For Bankruptcy?

• Stop all collections against you and your creditors will stop contacting you

• Relieve the legal obligation to pay back your debts

• Allow you to rebuild your credit

• Remove liens against your property

• Stop repossession

• Stop foreclosure


Call the experienced bankruptcy staff at King & King to determine if declaring bankruptcy would be in your best interest. King & King will evaluate your situation and determine if Chapter 13 or Chapter 7bankruptcy is right for you. Call our office today at 404-524-6400 to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your options, or feel free to visit us at We can help.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Can Debt Collectors Legally Contact You in Atlanta?

One of the toughest things about not being able to pay your debts are the calls and letters from creditors. When you can’t pay, you start getting endless phone calls and letters demanding payment. It's just too stressful. The good news is there are laws about how debt collectors may behave.

No matter how deep in debt you are, you have legal rights and King & King can help. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects you from unfair and harassing treatment from creditors. Bankruptcy will also stop debt collectors from contacting you.

If you are struggling with debt and facing financial stress, the last thing you need is harassment. Here are a few things debt collectors cannot legally do:

  • Debt collectors can’t threaten you with arrest or by taking action to harm your credit rating
  • Lie to you or misrepresent who you are talking to in an attempt to secure payment
  • Share your personal information about your debt with anyone else, such as your employer or family. However, they can contact your family to locate you
  • Call you before 8 am or after 9 pm, based on your time zone
  • Call you at work, provided the debt collector is aware your employer doesn’t approve of these phone calls
  • Harass, oppress, or abuse you
  • Falsely imply that you have committed a crime
  • Use unfair practices in an attempt to collect a debt
  • Conceal his or her identity on the phone
  • Disregard a written request from you to cease further contact

When you file for bankruptcy, an “automatic stay” goes into place. This stops all collection efforts, including calls from creditors. Call King & King to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how this process works.
You don’t have to endure creditor harassment. Filing for bankruptcy can free you of your debts and give you a brighter financial future. Call us today at 404-524-6400

Monday, July 8, 2024

Finding the Right Bankruptcy Attorney in Atlanta


If your monthly bills are piling up and you now avoid answering the phone or checking the mail in fear of facing another creditor, you may consider the advantages of filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy so you can move on with your life with a brighter financial outlook. Filing bankruptcy can be a complicated process, and enlisting the trust of a qualified bankruptcy attorney is invaluable. He or she will take care of all the heavy lifting for you, so you can get back to your regular life — debt-free — as soon as possible.

Here are five things to look for in an Atlanta bankruptcy attorney:

1. Your Bankruptcy Attorney Won’t Force You to File
2. Your Bankruptcy Attorney Will Help You To Decide Which Chapter is Right for You
3. Your Bankruptcy Attorney Should Not Pressure You to File
4. Your Bankruptcy Attorney Will Listen to You
5. Your Bankruptcy Attorney Should Have Time For Your Case

If you are considering bankruptcy, you do not have to go through this process alone. Get a skilled and experienced attorney on your side by calling the Georgia bankruptcy lawyers of King & King today at 404-524-6400.

Friday, May 24, 2024

How Can I Stop a Lawsuit From a Creditor in Atlanta?

If you have received a letter about a debt collection lawsuit in Georgia, there is help for you. A lawsuit will not go away if you don’t do anything, and typically will result in a default judgment against you. If the creditor wins the lawsuit, without much notice to you, here are some of the actions they can take to recover the money you owe them.

Garnished Wages

Once a debt collector wins the lawsuit, they can garnish your wages. When a garnishment order is sent to your employer, you can expect them to withhold a portion of your wages and send the money directly to your creditor.  A wage garnishment is a devastating way to pay back a debt, and can quickly send your life into a financial spiral.

Your Bank Account Can be Frozen

The debt collector can also send the judgment to your bank to “freeze” your bank account. If your account is frozen, there are actions you can take to defend yourself. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can explain to you the next steps on how to “unfreeze” the account and keep your money.

 Bankruptcy May Be An Option

If you cannot afford to settle or fight the debt collector in court, a bankruptcy filing may be the best for you. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate most debts and provide you with a “fresh start.” Once a petition is filed with the Bankruptcy Court, any debt collection lawsuit (garnishment or frozen account) will be stayed. To find out if bankruptcy is right for you, call the offices of King & King for a free consultation today at 404-524-6400.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

If I File Bankruptcy Can I Keep My Car?

Bankruptcy laws in 2024 allow you to keep your car, if your bankruptcy schedules exempt the equity value in your car and you keep making your payments in time during the course of the of your bankruptcy case. The exemptions necessary to keep your car are complex and must be filed properly. The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at King & King can explain the process and help you keep your car.

Most people can keep their cars in bankruptcy with little worry. Bankruptcy laws protect property that is needed to start over once your debt is wiped out. A car is one of the basic pieces of property you need to rebuild your credit, stay employed and take care of your family.
A big worry for most people considering bankruptcy is what will happen to their car. The purpose of bankruptcy is to give you a fresh financial start, and the law recognizes that to have a fresh start, a debtor usually needs a car to survive.

Of course, if your vehicle payments are unduly burdensome, you could stop making them, file chapter 7 bankruptcy, and any balance owed to the lender should be discharged.  Relief from the automatic stay will typically be granted to the lender upon the filing of a motion and, after entry of an order, repossession can quickly follow.

Call the bankruptcy attorneys at King & King today for a free consultation. We will help you to a brighter financial future 404-524-6400 or visit us online at

Monday, April 15, 2024

What Happens After I File For Bankruptcy In Atlanta?

Considering filing for bankruptcy in 2024? Most people are unsure of the process and unsure of the outcome. The surprising fact is that most people are able to quickly rebound to get their credit and life back on track.

First we need to decide whether you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We treat every case as a unique case because each case is unique. We can help you get the facts about what your situation is when you speak with one of the lawyers at King & King. Your initial consultation is always provided free of charge.

What can bankruptcy can do for you?

To fully understand Georgia bankruptcy laws, and how they can impact your debt and improve your life, speak to the attorneys at King & King today by calling 404-524-6400 or visit us online at