When your case is filled correctly bankruptcy laws will usually allow you to keep your home and your car. The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at King and King can help.
For more than 30 years, King and King have provided quick debt relief for people just like you.
Our attorneys will clear up all of the myths surrounding bankruptcy. We separate the facts from the fiction and show you how to use Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy to stay in your home, keep your car or truck, protect yourself from wage garnishment and escape creditor harassment.
The state of Georgia allows its residence to protect a certain amount of property from loss to creditors in bankruptcy. The property you are permitted to keep is called “exempt property”. For example, each individual is allowed to keep household goods, some home equity, motor vehicles, wedding sets, guns and tools that you use for your job. Financial assets that are exempt include retirement benefits, pensions, and insurance policies.
King and King will help you determine what are allowed to keep, and make sure you keep what’s important to you and your family. Call us today at 404-524-6400 for a free consultation or visit us online at www.kingandkingattorneys.com for more information.